Brand New Year, Brand New Podcast – Ed Begley Jr. Joins Peter Krull for the Inaugural Episode of Dollars & Change: The Expert’s Guide to Sustainable and Responsible Investing

Sustainable and responsible investing has been core to Earth Equity’s mission since our founding in 2004. Peter Krull, the Partner and Director of Sustainable Investing, is passionate about educating others about everything from aligning your investments to your values to greenwashing.… Read the rest

Can Dividend and Sustainable Investing Mix?

Peter Krull recently discussed the intersection of dividends and sustainable investing in a recent interview with Lawrence Strauss of Income Matters Today.

Highlighting the evolution from socially responsible to sustainable investing, Krull emphasized the focus on solutions to challenges like climate change.… Read the rest

My Favorite Three Social/Environmental Books

I typically read between fifty and sixty books a year. That’s a lot of reading between my Kindle and my Audible subscription; if I’m not working, I usually have my Kindle in my hands or my headphones on!

Over the past few years, there have been a couple of social and environmentally-focused books that stand out for me.… Read the rest

Earth Equity Recharges Their Batteries

Over the past several months, our clients and internal team have undergone a transition to Prime Capital Investment Advisors.

First, we would like to extend our gratitude to you for your remarkable patience. We understand that navigating through change can be stressful and we greatly appreciate your understanding and trust throughout this process.… Read the rest

We Can Do Better

Last week, I attended the UNC Clean Tech Summit in Chapel Hill where I served on a panel entitled ‘Moving from ESG Integration to Sustainability Investing’. It was similar to a panel that I was on last year at the same event, and I enjoyed my experience both times as I worked to educate the audience on the difference between ESG and sustainable investing and the dangers of greenwashing.… Read the rest

[ Forbes ] Who Does Regulating ESG Help?

It seems the small government, anti-regulation crusaders are at it again. Except this time, the people who don’t want the government to regulate private industry are doing a flip-flop and doing everything in their power to regulate it. Of course, I’m talking about the urgent need of politicians to tell you how you can or can’t invest your money.… Read the rest

Make A Difference, Magnify Your Impact

As an SRI investor, you’ve made a conscious choice to align your investments with your values. Philanthropy, like investing, is another important piece of your sustainable lifestyle. By donating your time, skills, and money to local nonprofits you can magnify your impact for the greater good of your community.… Read the rest

[ Forbes ] Is ESG Really A Sham?

The New York Times recently published an essay by Hans Taparia titled, ‘One of the Hottest Trends in the World of Investing Is a Sham.’ While Mr. Taparia paints a broad picture of widespread greenwashing (and I guess social washing and governance washing), he fails to look beyond the marketing engines of the big Wall Street firms to see the smaller ones that actually are working for positive change.… Read the rest

North Carolina Deserves Better

Under a 2021 state law, the North Carolina Utilities Commission (NCUC) is required to finalize a Carbon Plan by December 31, 2022, that achieves a 70% carbon reduction target by 2030 and 100% carbon-free electricity before 2050 with electric public utilities.Read the rest

Earth Equity Honored As Best For The World™ 2022

Each year, B Lab announces its Best for the World™ list of top-performing Certified B Corps driving impact in the following categories: community, customers, environment, governance, and workers. 

We are proud and honored to share that, for the 6th time, Earth Equity was recognized as Best for the World™ in the Customers category.Read the rest