Why the World is Ending…

This week, the Western North Carolina environmental non-profit, MountainTrue (which I’m the board chair) hosted the Wild & Scenic Film Festival at Asheville Community Theater. The short films were inspiring, enlightening, sobering and thought-provoking.

One entitled Why I Think This World Should End by Prince Ea in particular really grabbed me – it wasn’t exactly focused on environmental issues, but humanity. His commentary is poignant, provocative and inspired. He says “Our role models today, 60 years ago would have been examples of what NOT to be.”

Just as our firm advocates socially & environmentally responsible investing – for being intentional about how our clients allocate their investments, Prince Ea endorses values, love and working together. He quotes someone who has had a tremendous influence on me, Robert Kennedy, “Few will have the greatness to bend history, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all those acts will be written a history of a generation.” I couldn’t agree more.

Enjoy the video!