
Could B Corps Become The Next Business Designation in NC?

Earth Equity Advisors is proud to be ranked in the top 10 percent of B Corps in the world by B Labs. There are 2,100 B Corps worldwide. However, we’re only one of 37 B Corp companies in the state of North Carolina.… Read the rest

Tips to Travel the Eco-Friendly Way

For many people, travel is a necessity whether for business or vacation and relaxation, and for some, it’s a bucket list. But the impact of travel can change the very world we’re trying to explore. Here are several ways to experience all this planet has to offer without leaving a giant carbon footprint in your wake.… Read the rest

How Climate Change Will Greatly Impact the Global Economy

Recently, Schroders Economics Group released its Climate Change Survey 2016, which supplemented its report on The Impact of Climate Change on the Global Economy. Schroders sent the survey to 18 investment banks and brokerage firms, and received five responses, all of which stated that global warming presents an “Extremely Significant” or “Significant” threat to the global economy in the current century.… Read the rest